Whitewall tire paint for motorcycles
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Highway Hawk Motorcycle White wall tyre color in white for 2 tires - 250ml
Motorcycle White wall tyre color in whiteDesign your own white wall tires from your "normal" tyre.Just apply the paint with a brush.Contents: 250ml - Enough for 2 tires.1.The tires must be inflated to normal pressure when you go to paint it 2.Sand lightly and clean the tires to remove silicones, dirt, etc. 3.Stir the paint conveniently.lf necessary may be diluted with water. 4.Use synthetic or fine hair brush to minimize the paint brush marks. 5.Paint 4 to 5 fine coats and let dry 6 hours between coats. 6.You can clean your tools with waterNote: We cannot guarantee the durability of older tyre brands. We recommend the whitewall tyre paint for tyres that are not older than 3 years.
Product number:
Highway Hawk
Content: 250 ml (€15.98* / 100 ml)